Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Back in the workshop

It seems like ages since our last shoot, and indeed, my trip to Sierra Leone has set me back about a month, but this week we set to again and got quite a lot done. I cocked up a bit at the end - the jig I'm making is a modified version of an earlier one, making it easier to use. Unfortunately I'd not quite got the geometry right, so I'm going to have to work it out properly and re-shoot. And we shot one scene with no sound... but all the rest is good usable footage.
It certainly makes a difference having a 19" monitor in the workshop. We can play stuff back instantly, rather than having to move upstairs to my office and do it on the computer every time.
I've made one or two changes to the plan of what I'm going to include in this DVD and it means that I hope to have the main shoots finishes in three more days. That's three weeks if we keep to schedule. I'm seeing a big difference in quality between the stuff we are shooting now and the stuff we shot before Christmas, I think some of the earlier scenes may get re-done.
It appears that I have offered to host a woodworking get-together in July. So far about 24 people have said they will come, so I hope the weather is good or else our lounge will be a bit crowded. I'm planning to do a demonstration video shoot on the day so anyone who is interested can see how we have done it all. It should be a good day, I'll light the BBQ, open a couple of bottles and see what turns up. One or two people have offered to bring along exhibits, too, so it should be a truly home-grown event. If you are interested, please sign up for the Nottingham Bash (5 minutes from J25 of the M1) on July 21st 2007at www.ukworkshop.co.uk.
That's it for now,
See you soon.


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