Monday, June 25, 2007

Starting to panic!

Things are hotting up. For a start I've decided on a release date, July21st. I'm hosting the Nottingham Bash of the members on that day and I shall launch at that. There are lots of other activities planned, mind, it's not just a promo for me! So if you are interested, email me, nottinghambashATworkshopessentialsDOTcom and I'll send you an Info document.
Now I know that they opened the Spa at Bath several years before it was actually ready, so there is precedence (!), but I really do want to have it finished by then. I know that's a tight schedule as it's less than 4 weeks away, but I am up to date with my editing and I've only another couple of scenes to shoot, which should get sorted this Friday.
After that it's getting the Titles done, the artwork for the DVD cover, the menu structure and the CAD models and PDFs. The they need to be replicated and packaged. That's all! You can see know why I say it's getting scary.
I'm really glad I decided to split the work into two DVDs. They are running at over 2h40m combined, and this way I don't need to cut anything out.
Good news on the ecommerce angle too. Charley has offered to help me with that and I am very very grateful. It's one less thing for me and I know he'll do a good job.
Must go, I've got a DVD to finish.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


We filmed on Friday, and Bob arrived early and we finished late. We filmed tons of stuff and had some fun along the way. Quite an addition to the blooper reel! I've been editing it today and it's put the running time up astonishingly.

This means that I am going to have to cut some of the earlier material, probably re-film it, actually, in a more condensed form, as I don't want to lose this later stuff. I'm really very pleased with it. The new lighting is a great success.

I've also been working on my website and investigating the ecommerce angle. Boring but essential, I think you might say.

I'm getting very nervous about releasing it. I do have a release date, which I think is feasible, but what happens if it gets slated? I'll be suicidal. This is my Magnum Opus, my blood, sweat and tears have gone into this. I think it's a great work, but what if the rest of the world doesn't? I don't expect it to be a financial success, but I would like it to be a critical one.

It's getting scary.